25 Things That Didn't Suck in 2020

Fact: 2020 has been a dumpster fire.

Recently I was texting life updates back and forth with friends.  Unfortunately, most updates centered on the hardships -whether personal, societal, political, etc- invading our days.  Because, as previously mentioned, 2020 is a burning trash heap.  But since I'm such a positive, uplifting, WORD FM type gal, I tried to use my blue text bubbles to steer the conversation towards something good. 

Here's how THAT went:


After more thought (and two additional days), I did come up with a list.  Even though the current reality is admittedly difficult, I was able to pinpoint a few bright moments.  Considering I have enough negativity to eclipse the sun -or manifest a tropical storm- this was a good activity for me.  And it's probs a good activity for you too.  Because if you're only looking for crap, that's exactly what you will find.  But if you try looking for things that "didn't suck in 2020," you might just discover some-

1. This year 2 new rainbow babies -babies that come after a loss- were born to friends of mine.  Meet sweet Ezra Charles, younger brother of angel sister Avril.  And say "Hello!" to darling Luna Joy who is missing her twin sister Trinity.  Plus, Margot's neighbor at RoseHill -Lilian Hope- is getting a new baby brother!

2.  My 2 year old niece Aurora, daughter of David's middle brother Scott and wife Stephanie, loves unicorns.  Obviously.  But she pronounces unicorn as "win-a-corn."  Picture a carnival hawker tryna convince you to play an impossible game where throwing a beanbag into a rubber frog's mouth results in a corncob prize. "Win-A-Corn." Yes.

3.  We got a dog.  Her name is Pearl: Destroyer of Worlds, mostly because we have yet to find a toy that can withstand her aggressive playing.  Like, she might benefit from intensive therapy.  Also, she smiles and wants to be beside you every second of the live-long day.  So basically there are two needy and emotionally volatile females in the house now.  Girl power!

4.  StarBucks' S'mores frappucino returned for the summer.  Its blended coffee and ice, highlighted by chocolate marshmallowy goodness, and topped with graham cracker crumble has been my post-work treat on difficult days.  Really, just knowing it exists is helpful for the entire planet's mental health.

 5. David taught Elijah to do his own laundry.  Thus earning eternal husband points and a few (thousand) crowns in heaven.

6.  My cousin Andrea's hair looks like this.  She is a beautiful hair goddess and I can't even hate her for it.


7.  In March, my bestie Meghan was finally able to receive a unique, specialized surgery for her tailbone.  After dislocating it 4+ years before, she remained in chronic pain and had to pursue treatment on her own.  Since medical professionals who handle this issue are rare, she was shunted from a chiropractor for adjustments to a massage therapist for physical therapy to a doctor for spinal cortisone injections- All attempts offering little or fleeting relief.  But she persisted, continuing to seek information by herself, eventually finding and connecting with her future surgeon.  Fast-forward to today, she is healed and pain-free.

8. On Elijah's and my epic summer road trip to Louisiana, my sister-in-law Hannah MADE HOMEMADE BEIGNETS for breakfast on our departure day!  They were flaky and warm and powdery with sugar and -in my humble opinion- medicine for those of downtrodden spirit (who had to go back to where they came from).

9. Jaime, one of the best people and teachers I know, drummed up student interest for Zoom classes by dressing up for at least one of her school announcements.  Teachers should get paid every.single.dollar. for what they do.  Thank you, thank you.

10.  Hamilton: An American Musical, which won lots of awards from the people who give the musicals awards, is streaming on Disney Plus.  I don't even like history OR musicals and I liked it.  There is rap, big dresses, lots of dancing, and King George the III.  Da da da dah Daaaaaa.  Please watch this.

11.  During shelter in place, Elijah and BFF Joel collaborated over Zoom to create a comic strip called "The Onion."  It takes place during the fruit and vegetable war;  two unlikely heroes and outcasts -Onion (makes all the veggies cry) & Tomato (confused about which camp he better identifies with)- run into each other, literally.  Friendship and mayhem ensue.  This stand alone piece of creative brilliance eventually expanded into a trilogy of Onion comics, a side-story Kiwi comic, and a Broccoli comic prequel.  You're welcome, future Comic-Cons.

12.  2 of Margot's nurses -dear friends of mine and of each other- Jordan and Cassie, have been working their collective tails off to become licensed midwives.  Cassie was able to secure her license LESS THAN A MONTH before giving birth to her precious baby boy Brooks, who Jordan GOT TO DELIVER as a part of her continued midwife training!  Cue hearts exploding with feels!!

13.  My Colorado BFF, Jessica, hiked a 14er with son Aiden and then separately with daughter Emily.  If you aren't an outside-y person, this means that they started at the bottom of a mountain and then hiked up to 14000 elevation.  To be clear: This wasn't for punishment, it was for fun and achievement and strength of will.  Which seems weird to me, but I'm super proud of them nonetheless!

14.  Morning prayer meetings -instated by Reverend Lukata Mjumbe during the early days of quarantine- have become a much needed avenue of daily encouragement and connection.  Using this medium, my sis Nicole labored and delivered the most powerful sermon I've witnessed in 2020.  She cracked open her soul and poured out her heart and God's divine light on us.  It was a privilege to behold.  (PS These prayer meetings live stream every weekday morning at 7 a.m. -and the recordings are posted later if you sleep in!  Just find their FB home page: Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church from Princeton, NJ.)

15.  2 year old twins Lena and Henri, our niece and nephew, watched their first ever episode of Mr. Rogers.  It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!

16.  My mom started walking with 2 newly widowed ladies in her neighborhood.  Almost every morning at 9ish, they pull on their sneakers and trot around the development.  This consistent time together has become a much needed support for these three ladies, a good exercise both emotionally AND physically.

17.  Beth got a new puppy.  Her name is Moxie.  Staring directly into her face might solve the earth's problems.

18.  I was able to participate in an article spotlighting a friend's Nanny who has donated crocheted newborn hats and blankets to the local hospital for decades.  She made our Margot's blanket as well, which gave me a chance to honor both of these treasured females in a recorded news interview.  

(You can find the article -written and televised- at this link .)

19.  A mushroom grew in our backyard.  E and I named him "Toady."  I sharpied a smile on him because he's a really fun guy.  Get it?  Fun-gi!!!!!!!

20.  My friend LeeAnn is a horticulturalist.  Like with a degree in agriculture and farm stuff and science.  (Clearly, I have zero clue about these degrees.) Several years back, her flower business was getting its feet off the ground right during a season of growth for the family.  Meaning: When their much anticipated baby girl arrived, LeeAnn happily gave Mommyhood complete priority over her professional floral dream.  But 2 kiddos and several years later, she has been able to incrementally return to the business and -with some modification- it is flourishing just like the gorgeous dahlias she sells.  Timing really is everything.

21.  Jon is an ordained Presbyterian minister AND happens to be married to my sister-cousin Rachel.  He periodically preaches via Zoom for his home church in West Chester, PA.  David and I have had a few opportunities to watch him in this role.  David recently confessed that he thinks the pulpit is secretly an escape craft with hidden rocket boosters which can quickly transform to blast Jon out of church if his sermon goes horribly wrong.  And this has effectively ruined my ability to take Jon's preaching seriously ever again.

22.  Funfetti, as in the most delicious cake mix filled with sprinkles and love in its purest form, is now a coffee creamer flavor.  Every day can be a rainbow birthday in your coffee mug and I am here for it.

23.  On his 13th birthday, Elijah accidentally twinned with his Granddad.  It was amazeballs.

24.  I learned the difference between "wax paper" and "parchment paper."  Which doesn't seem like a huge deal unless you mildly but repeatedly poison yourself by eating home-baked granola (flavored with melted wax) and then eventually start a small oven fire with said wrong paper because it isn't *actually meant* for baking.

25.  Our Wren had a birthday last month (August).  She is 3.  (THREE?!?!) The orphanage staff got a cake and dressed her up like the princess she is.  Complete with ruffled dress, bracelets, and a headband decorated with flowers as big as my brother's yorkiepoo.  Missing out on this celebration with her DID SUCK.  Because obviously, we want her here.  Duh.  More than anything, her being home is the wish of our lives.  I want to be the one over-accessorizing my daughter and sharing a ridiculous amount of pictures!  But we are thankful for an orphanage staff that keeps us updated on Wren, that advocates for her within India's court system, and that cares for her while we physically can't.  It's a mixed bag of emotions for sure, however we remain grateful that she is in good hands.  Although, her being in Gross hands is the ultimate goal.

Now, go make ya' own lists! 

2020 ain't the boss of us!!


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