The Cry of a Crushed Heart

The Cry of a Crushed Heart - by Laura Gross  
Written in dedication to the ones who shared their light
to help illuminate our darkest night

If prayer is actually prayer-
A powerful conversation with the Divine,
Let me ask for Faith.
Faith that although the worst has already happened,
There will be reason to hope again.
(Despite it feeling foolish.)

Next-An acknowledgment of gratitude and grievance.
Trusting there IS space for both within the vastness of belief;
That these disparate expressions equally represent
Something significant and unique
About the image of God in man.

Most of all: A request for Your presence.
But, as in the Christmas story
Where angels serenaded vagabonds
And the Messiah slept in a shed, 
Bring me beyond tradition and convention.
Beyond the words of a hymn and walls of a church,
To recognize Your truest heart-

In the hunger of an orphan
In the tears of a widow
In the rehabilitation of an addict
In the wandering of a refugee
In the testimony of a victim
In the identity of the ostracized

And upon discovering You
-Not in a pew but an alley-
Give me strength to BE the Comfort and Love
I was seeking in the first place.

Because THAT is the holiest exchange.



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