A Parallel Path of Dreams

 A Parallel Path of Dreams
(Written with love from Mama to Margot)

Margot Rose, you lived a life,
Full within the womb.
Heart started, eyes opened, wonder began.
The world made just for you.

Fingers and toes formed then found.
Mastered rolling, now a crawl.
With breath held, we measured your first steps-
Unsteady feet on uterine wall.

20 weeks- You.Are.A.Girl!
The moodiest pre-teen.
Craving sono selfies, rigging doctor's tests,
You pushed parent sanity extremes.

A graduate: 3rd trimester goals!
At college, where you soar.
Inner parts squeeze tight; basic dorm room life-
Cheez-It dinners on the floor.

Young lady -too young- you met "the One."
His voice, the timbre of your Dad.
In your 30 weeks of so-called wise,
Moving forward WAY too fast.

Yet friends and family showered you,
Celebrating a love match "Worth the Wait!"
Father and Daughter danced the belly ballroom,
'Til the Mister wrangled you with cake.

Then miracle turned nightmare:
A fatal, unseen accident.
From darkest tunnel into our arms,
 Silent cherub: Forever asleep during Advent.

Your death could not restrain the love,
This life failed to contain.
Entire decades condensed to weeks-
Stuffed with years of hope and joy and pain.

Though our finite time together,
Would bless and haunt us in the end.
For you, our darling baby girl,
We'd do it all again. 


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