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The Opposite of "Overcoming"

During the late 1900's (Read: My teen years), Christian lingo adopted a decidedly militaristic bent.  Believers were "prayer warriors" standing on the "battlefield of worldly desires."  Heroes of the faith were encouraged to "fight FOR family values."  The Christian Coalition, established in the late 80's, took "victory in Jesus" to the next level by promoting certain political action (via voter guides) to conservative Evangelical voters.  Closer to home, my private school's spirit song touted students as "Christian soldiers in the army of the King."    The "us versus them" vibes were strong.  Othering the world at large seemed essential to Christianity's success.  Let me be clear: When I refer to "Christianity" here, I'm talking about a religious movement and not necessarily a life lived according the the teachings of Jesus.  Unfortunately, these things do not always align.  This can be most read...

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